Find your bliss with the power

of Blissgevity.

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What is Apigenin?

Apigenin is an active ingredient in Blissgevity. Click below to learn more about Apigenin including the benfits that you might experience! 

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What is Phenylethylamine (PEA)?

Phenylethylamine (PEA) is an active ingredient in Blissgevity. Click below to learn more about Phenylethylamine (PEA) and the benefits you might experience!

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Explore the endless benefits of Blissgevity.

Calm Anxiety

Blissgevity provides you with an overall sense of calm and reduces anxiety.

Enhanced Intimacy

Blissgevity offers greater interpersonal connection, empathy, and focused attention.

Social Stimulant

Blissgevity instills in you a greater comfort level and desire for social engagement.

For Men and Women

Blissgevity creates a happy and calming energy for both men and women.

Increase Energy, Focus and Motivation

Blissgevity raises the body's level of PEA which is the body's main natural internal stimulant.  It also raises levels of your natural dopamine which increases drive and motivation. 

Improve Skins Youthful Appearance and the Body's Healthspan

Blissgevity's formula raises a person's level of NAD+ which is a cornerstone to increased healthspan, longevity and youthful appearance. Apigenin in scientific studies also has been shown to improve several markers of skin aging such as firmness, elasticity and fine wrinkling and maintains dermal hydration.

How Phenylethylamine (PEA) Can Affect a Sexual Experience

Author Suzannah Weiss, who has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Elle, Playboy, New York Magazine, Men’s Health, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more provides a recap of her research and a detailed NSFW review of her experience with Blissgevity.

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Unlock Your Bliss

So what exactly is Blissgevity? Our whiteboard video gallery is a great place to visit to learn more about Blissgevity and the benefits that our product can provide in many different walks and phases of life. These short videos take you on a journey into the science and benefits of Blissgevity.

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Sociable Motivating Mood Elevator

Blissgevity increases your energy and improves your mood all while magnifying focus.  Blissgevity provides you with a calm, yet energetic experience that relieves anxiety and provides a long lasting sense of well being. Because Blissgevity is simply enhancing what is already present in our bodies it does not have the drawdowns associated with foreign substances.  There is no crash or burn out experienced with Blissgevity that a person typically feels from high sugary, caffeinated products or synthetic ingredients. With too much stress, lack of sleep or as we age our bodies produce increasing amounts of detrimental mao enzyme which breaks down dopamine, serotonin, and Phenylethylamine (PEA). The mao enzyme negatively affects our mood, passion, drive, focus, and arguably most importantly it lowers our lifespan. Blissgevity mildly inhibits mao and thus gently lowers the amount of the counterproductive mao enzyme in our bodies. Blissgevity also inhibits another negative enzyme that also tragically increases with age, the cd38 enzyme. CD38 breaks down NAD+. Having high levels of NAD+ increases healthspan, lifespan, and greatly contributes to a youthful appearance. Blissgevity creates the opposite of a tolerance that can occur with caffeine, and alcohol. The more regularly you consume blissgevity the more it inhibits mao and cd38 enzymes. With properly timed regular consumption it becomes even more effective! 

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Blissgevity Beneficial Phychological Therapeutic Properties

Blissgevity is a unique supplement that combines Phenylethylamine (PEA) and Apigenin together to help you feel physically and mentally rejuvenated. PEA has been dubbed the love molecule. This comes from the fact that the physiological feeling of being in love is caused by heightened levels of PEA. PEA is also the body's most important molecule when it comes to bonding. Nearly everything commonly attributed to endorphins is wrong; it's actually PEA that is creating those pleasant effects. PEA is also our body's native endogenous stimulant. Apigenin is the only other active ingredient in this product making it incredibly simple yet powerfully effective. Apigenin is the plant molecule within chamomile that provides the herbs calming soothing properties. Apigenin is to chamomile what caffeine is to coffee. It is pivotal in unlocking PEA without apigenin PEA is not readily absorbed. So, you can think of apigenin as the key to unlocking all the benefits of PEA while also smoothing out the experience with its calming properties. It modulates PEA from being overly stimulating. The two create a perfect union. Apigenin is an active ingredient in our product that may provide beneficial effects for a wide range of temporary and chronic conditions. Apigenin has been shown to be effective in pain management, diabetes management, inflammation, thyroid dysfunction, depression, insomnia, skin conditions and more. Apigenin has also been shown effective in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and its anti-tumor effects. [1] Apigenin also raises levels of NAD+ which is pivotal in a long lifespan, and healthspan. Having consistently higher levels of NAD+ has been correlated with a more youthful physical appearance. For further reading on NAD+ click here. Apigenin on its own can enable higher levels of PEA, serotonin and dopamine which can contribute to improved mood, greater motivation, assertiveness and drive. [2] [3]

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A Sensorial Experience for Men and Women

Blissgevity provides a safe and effective solution to many of life's challenges. Whether it be aging, poor diet, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, low sex drive, or simply for no discernable reason you are just not happy or feeling energetic.  It can lift your body and mind into an experience of pleasure, excitement and feelings of well-being and happiness.

As research has advanced, we have learned more about how our bodies are naturally depleted of their resources. This can be linked to a myriad of causes such as age, physiological and mental challenges along with the modern onslaught of societal stresses that we are daily faced with. Blissgevity's research and findings have led us to develop a patent pending beneficial, nutritionally boosting supplement, fundamental to healthy cellular metabolism and energy production. This wide-ranging physiologic stress stabilizer navigates you through the day feeling calm, happy and motivated.  It's incredibly important to note that there is no crash or burn out experienced with Blissgevity that a person typically feels from sugar laden and highly caffeinated products.

Blissgevity enables you to recreate the body's natural bliss that comes from falling in love or being reunited with an old friend. Blissgevity physiologically replicates the euphoric bodily response from unexpectedly receiving a spontaneous well deserved genuine deeply felt affirmation. Click below to shop online and experience Blissgevity for yourself.

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Younger Looking Skin

Apigenin has many beneficial effects on the skin. Research has shown that apigenin has anti-inflammatory effects, it can improve several markers of aging such as firmness, elasticity and fine wrinkling and maintains hydration. Apigenin use contributes to objectively improved parameters of skin health and subjective appearance of photo-aged skin. Apigenin promotes the type-I and type-III collagen synthesis of dermal fibroblasts in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting that apigenin may serve as an agent for esthetic and reconstructive skin rejuvenation. Scientific studies have demonstrated that apigenin could increase dermal thickness, tightness and elasticity.[1] [2]

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What is Blissgevity? We are glad you asked!

Blissgevity Overview

Blissgevity is a safe and effective supplement for men and women that targets many areas of life. Experience relief from anxiety and stress to increased natural energy and even igniting passion for life. Blissgevity provides a euphoric, uplifting experience without crash or addiction. Blissgevity creates the opposite of a tolerance that can occur with caffeine, and alcohol. The more regularly you consume Blissgevity the greater it inhibits mao enzymes which in turn boosts serotonin, dopamine, PEA, and improves lifespan.  The same also holds true for Blissgevity's inhibition of cd38 enzymes as a person regularly consumes the supplement the lower the amount of deleterious cd38 enzymes and thus more NAD+ and sirtuins which maximize health and longevity. [1} So with regularly timed consumption it becomes even more effective!

Blissgevity has two main components, Apigenin and Phenylethylamine (PEA). Apigenin is a plant molecule derived from chamomile.  Apigenin is necessary for PEA to be absorbed; it also on its own calms and elevates mood. Phenylethylamine is naturally occurring in the human body. PEA has been dubbed “the love molecule”. PEA is what one feels when they get the butterflies from falling in love or a first kiss. It creates empathy, trust, bonding, and passion.  It is also our body's main natural internal stimulant which improves wakefulness, focus, information absorption, and motivation. 

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Benefits of Blissgevity

Blissgevity is a product unmatched by any other when it comes to the range of well being it provides. A versatile product that is used by both men and women for everything from social anxiety and intimacy issues to stress reduction and increased natural energy. Blissgevity doesn't have a crash effect and is non-addictive. You can take Blissgevity daily or as needed to calm anxiety or to spark and enhance intimate moments. 

We invite you to find your bliss with our exciting, safe and effective product, Blissgevity. You can find our product in retail stores across the country or you can purchase from us directly through our online store. We can't wait to hear your success story after trying Blissgevity. Click on the button below to learn more about the benefits of Blissgevity or head on over to our online store to start your blissful journey. 

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How to Use Blissgevity

Blissgevity works best when taken on an empty stomach. We recommend you begin your dosage with one to two capsules to see how you and your body acclimate to the product. For special occasions requiring anti-anxiety, euphoric blissfulness or for women desiring sexual intimacy enhancement, consume 20 minutes prior to desired effect. 

Blissgevity has two main components, Apigenin and Phenylethylamine. Apigenin is a plant molecule derived from chamomile. Phenylethylamine (PEA) is naturally occurring in the human body. PEA has been dubbed “the love molecule”. PEA is what one feels when they get the butterflies from falling in love or a first kiss. It creates empathy, trust and bonding. 

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